The story revolves around three fearless men. Alpha Luca Castillo, Lord Romeo Martakis and Lord Valentine Morris. They are considered the three most powerful men in the supernatural world. Rumours have it that they are in a secret mafia cult.The lives of the trio suddenly take an odd dimension when a mastermind is playing games with them. A confidential group is trying to take over their realms and make them parallel earth. Nobody seems to know who the group were or what their next move would be
"What's wrong I did with you that you have been torturing me, for God's sake leave, I will never forget your favor, please..."She pleaded with him with teary eyes. But he grabbed her silky hair in his tight grasp and said."Don't show me your crocodile tears, it's not impacting me, good man inside of me died a long time ago, the man who is standing in front of you is a stone made, a deaf stone, no matter how many times you beat your head with it, you will be at
Mr George left the country, he committed a crime and ran away from the country, Mary and Racheal. Then started a new life with Ami, but Ami wasn't aware. She gave birth to two girls for him, Helsi and Nancy.They both grew up without the knowledge of the first wife their father married, George left his company for his daughter Helsi before they got murdered
The story begins with Tiffany running away from some guys in white suits. She manages to catch her breath in an alley where she comes across a woman with long hair seemingly changing her shirt. As she comments about the scene, the woman turns around only to reveal herself as not a woman, but as manThere's no time to waste, though, as the men catch up to her. So, attempting to be quick on her feet, Tiffany decides to use the man she's just discovered and pretends to be kissing him as th
A detective who receives information from an anonymous informant that something suspicious is going on at WIC Company. The detective goes there to investigate, but when he arrives, he is greeted by horror.The informant told him something he couldn't understand, but it was about an astral and murders, but what piqued his interest was the word 'dad,' because he hadn't seen his father in how many years, and perhaps he was about to now.What people know is that the WIC is a medici
A surprise is waiting for Brielle Ashby when she returns home to her hometown of New York from college. This bombshell will alter her life forever.Zuriel Richardson, the Devilishly Handsome CEO of Richardson Empires, is a playboy but extremely vicious when it comes to his business. He doesn't care if you're alive or dead; all that matters to him is his business, his company, and his profits.When they first meet, it's only for business. But will the spark that she gets from being a